How to Buy a Healthy Marmot - Tips to Maintain Marmot

By on 7:20 PM
How to Buy a Healthy Marmot - Tips to Maintain Marmot
How to Buy a Healthy Marmot - Tips to Maintain Marmot - Maintaining marmot can be exciting and rewarding experience.

However, if you are not careful, you can buy a guinea pig that is not healthy or diseased.

When going to buy a guinea pig try to have a lot of options before deciding to buy one or several of them.

Have many options will allow you to obtain the best guinea pigs.

Here are some tips that you can make a guide when buying guinea pigs:

1. Choose a pet store, or reputable breeding guinea pigs.

If you have a friend or family member who also maintain a guinea pig, get a recommendation from them where to buy guinea pigs with the best quality.

2. Check for signs of disease in guinea pigs.

The first time you held, marmots generally will show fear response or curiosity.

Some of the signs that indicate a marmot was ill include a runny nose, belek (dirt) in the eye, or other noticeable problems.

3. Know the signs are showing guinea pigs have a good health condition.

A healthy guinea pig has a shiny coat, or do not have baldness in fur.

Guinea pigs should also actively socialize, instead of just sitting in the corner of the cage.

4. Listen to breath sounds guinea pigs. Wheezing or breathing sounds that indicate unusual guinea pigs suffering from respiratory diseases.

If possible, check for signs of diarrhea in guinea pigs cage. Diarrhea indicate the occurrence of bacterial infections.

5. Check or ask the seller if the guinea pig is pregnant.

Have an extra baby guinea pigs can be fun, but not everyone wants more pets to be taken care of.

Additional Tips

Avoid choosing a guinea pig with the head tilted to one side, there is a swelling of the neck, hardening of the skin around the nose, or if there is excessive scratching of the skin of guinea pigs.

Scratching is normal, but if too much scratching guinea pig skin, it could signal the occurrence of scabies.