7 Health Problems in Cats Siamese - Tips to Maintain Animals Cats - Siamese cats are one of the most popular cat breeds and easily recognizable as his trademark dot pattern.
Siamese cats are bred from a few hundred years ago and has not recorded a lot of health problems.
Siamese cats can live an average of between 15 to 20 years.
However, like most pure breeds, the genetic flaws can lead to susceptibility to certain health problems.
Here are some health problems that may arise in the Siamese cat:
1. Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
Siamese cats are prone to upper respiratory tract infections, especially small.
Symptoms include sneezing, watery eyes, and runny nose. For the treatment usually given antibiotics and decongestants.
Always keep the area warm and dry bed for your pet cat, and avoid contact with other alien cat.
Kittens can be vaccinated at the age of 8 to 10 weeks.
2. Premature tooth loss
Gingivitis or inflammation of the gums, is more common in Siamese cats than in other cat breeds.
If left untreated, the disease will lead to tooth loss.
If your cat is not eating as much as usual or foul-smelling breath, check his gums.
If the gums are red or swollen, the cat may have gingivitis.
To treat it, the vet will anesthetize the cat and do a thorough cleaning of your teeth.
Prevention of gingivitis can be done by brushing your cat every day.
3. Sensitivity to Anesthesia
Siamese cats are more sensitive to anesthesia, making spaying / neutering and other surgical treatments a little more complicated.
Make sure your veterinarian perform screening before surgical procedures on your Siamese cat
4. Feline megacolon
Feline megacolon (megacolon cat) is a bowel disorder that causes chronic constipation and progressive.
When experiencing feline megacolon, a cat may be straining during a bowel movement or there is blood in the stool.
Changes in diet or laxatives to treat mild cases.
In severe cases, surgery must be performed to remove the part of the colon affected.
5. Alopecia Psikogenic
This condition is considered to be similar to obsessive compulsive disorder in humans.
This disorder occurs when the cat scratched him excessively, to make him lose his hair.
Believed that stress triggers this condition. Treatment is done by giving antidepressants, separating cats from environmental stressors that can stimulate or stress.
6. Vestibular disease
The vestibular system controls balance and orientation.
Including symptoms of vestibular disease in cats Siamese include head tilt and loss of balance.
This condition is common in Siamese kittens and usually resolves itself by the age of 3 to 4 months. Outpatient treatment may be required.
7. Life Threatening Conditions
Although rare, if untreated, kidney disease and pancreatitis can be life-threatening.
Amyloidosis, an accumulation of amyloid protein, common in Siamese cats and other purebred cats.
Signs common to both of these conditions are loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss.
Treatment can be performed depending on the severity of the illnesses suffered by your cat.
The risk of cardiomyopathy in Siamese cats will increase when the heart muscle can not function normally.
Lack of taurine in the diet are thought to contribute to this condition.
Currently, almost all the cat food on the market equipped with taurine.
Up to now not clear whether the Siamese cats need taurine more than other breeds or whether they have a genetic predisposition to developing cardiomyopathy.