Maintaining Hamster - Tips on How to Clean Hamster Cage - Hamsters made ideal pets for children and adults.
In order to stay healthy hamster, the cage should be cleaned regularly. Cleaning the cage is not something difficult.
Here are some steps you can follow to clean the hamster cage.
1. Prepare equipment to clean the cage like a brush, soap, and towels.
2. Slowly, catch the hamster and put it in a temporary container that hamsters do not run away.
3. Remove the cover over the cage if any. Remove the bowl of food and water also.
Clean everything with water and use soap or other cleaning if necessary.
4. Do not forget to remove the base enclosure.
Some materials commonly used as a base enclosure such as paper, wood shavings, or fine sand.
5. Clean the cage with water and cleaning if necessary. Be sure to rinse until clean residual liquid cleaners or soaps.
6. Dry the cage with a towel.
7. Replace the parts such as the hamster cage cage cover and other parts.
8. Put paper, wood shavings, or fine sand as the base enclosure.
Rate base is thick enough so the hamster can dig or make burrows.
9. Re-enter the food bowl and water bowl and all toy hamster.
10. Enter back into the hamster cage was cleaned.