Reproductive disorders result from Progesterone Hormone Deficiency - Progesterone is a female hormone that is responsible for many processes during puberty, menstruation, and pregnancy.
Do not have enough progesterone cause serious side effects and affect a woman's s'xual development and its ability to reproduce.
hormone Progesterone
Men and women both produce progesterone, but women carrying produce the hormone progesterone are two times more than men.
Women using the female hormone progesterone along with others such as estrogen to facilitate the process of reproduction. Progesterone is found in the ovaries, adrenal glands, and placenta.
Progesterone is also stored in fat cells specific. Outside the human body, progesterone can be found in a particular type of sweet potato.
Progesterone deficiency
Women who have undergone menopause prepubertal and adolescent girls have very low levels of progesterone.
A woman who had a low level of progesterone during the active period of reproduction called progesterone deficiency or deficiencies.
Progesterone deficiency symptoms include irregular periods, ovarian cysts, and miscarriage. A woman who allegedly had a progesterone deficiency will be required to conduct the examination of blood samples.
Before the examination of blood samples, patients were asked not to take birth control pills, estrogen supplements, or progesterone supplement at least one month prior to testing so that accurate test results.
During Breast Development
Puberty is characterized by a woman's menstruation and breast development. Breasts started growing a few years before menstruation that is driven by estrogen, prolactin, and other hormones.
After the first ovulation and menstruation, the body begins to produce progesterone. Along with estrogen and other hormones, progesterone helps to continue the growth and development of breasts.
When there is a deficiency of progesterone, a woman may experience barriers to the development of the ducts and developmental abnormalities of the breasts.
during conception
Infertility or difficulty conceiving is another result of progesterone deficiency. Progesterone signaling in breast and uterus to prepare for conception.
Will then be enlarged breasts to produce more milk. Progesterone also stimulates the lining of the uterus becomes thicker and the cervix to secrete more mucus.
Progesterone also will tell the immune system to adapt to allow the body to receive a fertilized egg.
If conception does not occur, progesterone levels will decrease and trigger the start of the menstrual cycle.
The body of a woman with low progesterone levels will not change so it is difficult to prepare for fertilization to get pregnant.
during Pregnancy
During pregnancy, progesterone makes the uterus to thicken and stabilize the position of the fetus. Progesterone also continue to stimulate the growth of breast tissue to produce milk.
This hormone plays a role also strengthens the pelvic wall and encourage the production of cervical mucus that clogs to prevent infection. All these things will protect the fetus ..
A woman who shortages become more potentially progesterone miscarriage. Low progesterone levels also make a woman successfully gave birth to trouble breastfeeding effectively.