How to Work Progesterone on Body Women - Hormone Health Tips - Progesterone plays a vital role in a woman's fertility cycle. Progesterone levels are too low can cause infertility, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and miscarriage.
Understanding how progesterone works in the body and find out how to increase levels of progesterone will help alleviate a woman's reproductive problems in general.
Fertility cycle
An average of 28 days a woman's fertility cycle can be divided into three phases. The first two phases consist of menstruation and ovulation.
Progesterone plays a vital role in the final phase, which is called the luteal phase.
After ovulation, the follicle that releases the egg turns yellow and is called the corpus luteum.
Corpus luteum secrete progesterone. Progesterone has a significant effect on female fertility cycle.
Progesterone effect
10 to 14 days after ovulation, progesterone levels will ensure that increased uterine lining coated enough blood to nourish a fertilized egg.
Blocking progesterone following ovulation during the luteal phase. Woman's basal body temperature will rise about 0.4 degrees due to the increased amount of progesterone.
At the same time, thickens cervical mucus and clogging the cervical canal. All this is to prepare the body welcomed the possibility of pregnancy soon after ovulation.
Progesterone and Fertility Problems
When a woman has low progesterone will shorten the luteal phase.
This condition can affect a woman's attempt to get pregnant. The lack of progesterone prevents the egg implanted in the uterus.
Low progesterone also causes premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and feeling uncomfortable during the luteal phase.
Women who have low progesterone potentially also miscarried because the body was not quite ready to sustain the pregnancy.
To raise levels of progesterone, recommended taking 200-800 milligrams of vitamin B6 per day. Vitamin B6 can lengthen the luteal phase, thus allowing a fertilized egg to the uterus and implant well.
Increased progesterone levels will also reduce complaints due to PMS.
Other treatments
There is also a synthetic progesterone treatments to raise levels of progesterone. Provera - synthetic progesterone - may be prescribed to treat prolonged menstruation due to hormonal imbalance.
Birth control pills may also be effective. In addition, progesterone cream is useful to keep the cervical lining is always ready for a cycle of fertility.
Menopausal women can also take advantage of this cream, due to the level of progesterone which decreases as a woman ages.