Normal Estrogen Levels & Symptoms Estrogen Imbalance - Estrogen is a female hormone that is mainly produced by the ovaries.
Estrogen has a variety of functions including helping to regulate the menstrual cycle, maintain bone density, and increased uterine growth.
Imbalance in estrogen levels cause a lot of problems and symptoms.
Bleeding, infertility, and menopause are some of the symptoms caused by an imbalance of estrogen.
Samples of blood, urine, or saliva simple is generally done to determine estrogen levels.
Having evaluated the level of estrogen, the type of treatment can be prescribed to help relieve the immediate symptoms of hormone imbalance.
Estrogen is a hormone produced in the pituitary gland and is primarily responsible for the development of female reproductive organs.
Estrogen consists of three fractions: estrone, which mainly occurs after menopause; estradiol, which is produced in the ovaries and is responsible for ovulation and affect conception and pregnancy, and estriol, which is normally produced during pregnancy.
The third type of hormone estrogen measured during testing.
normal levels
The normal range of estrogen depend on age. Women aged between 20 to 29 years had an average estrogen levels 149 pg / ml (pictograms per milliliter).
A woman aged 30 to 39 years have an average level of 210 pg / ml.
Being women over the age of 40 years and premenopausal estrogen levels will have an average 152 pg / ml.
Average rate can vary from day to day depending on each woman's cycle.
Low Estrogen Levels
Considered low when estrogen levels are only at the level of 10 to 20 pg / ml.
This is partly caused by menopause, anorexia, and Turner syndrome. Extreme endurance exercise can also reduce estrogen levels.
Some symptoms of low estrogen levels are fatigue, hot flashes, night sweats, dryness of the genitals, and difficulty concentrating.
Low levels of estrogen make a woman feel powerful and rapid fatigue.
High Estrogen Levels
Estrogen levels above 200 pg / ml is considered high. Estrogen levels can rise due to obesity, heart disease, and digestive problems.
Stress also contributes to high levels of estrogen.
Symptoms of high estrogen levels include anxiety, depression, mood swings, and insomnia.
It's important to lower estrogen levels to normal levels because of the high levels of estrogen can increase the risk of breast cancer and cervical cancer.
Treatments for estrogen imbalance include exercise and eating a healthy diet.
Other types of treatments include estrogen hormone replacement therapy and alternative medicine.
Lately, hormone replacement therapy is no longer a first choice because it is believed to increase the risk of uterine cancer, heart disease, and stroke.
It's important to consult a doctor before taking estrogen therapy to correct imbalances.