Cancer of the cervix (mouth of the womb) is a condition in which the cells in the cervix grow abnormally and uncontrollably which later develop into cancer.
Cervix (mouth of the womb) is part of the uterus and the cylinder is located in the pelvic cavity, anterior to the rectum, and posterior of the bladder.
Cervical cancer (cervix) is more common in women from developing countries and low economic level because they rarely perform routine reproductive health examination.
Therefore, the new cervical cancer is usually detected and diagnosed at an advanced stage already.
Progress of cervical cancer is usually very slow. In early-stage cervical cancer is usually asymptomatic or asymptomatic. However, as the development of the abnormal cells cervical cancer symptoms begin to appear.
Some of the symptoms that usually appear on cervical cancer include:
1. Abnormal V'ginal Bleeding
A healthy cervical bleeding only in very small quantities.
However, in women who had cervical cancer may experience mild to severe bleeding after specific activities.
This bleeding can happen between the time periods, after s*xual intercourse, after cleaning the v'gina, or after a pelvic examination (pelvic). This happens due to irritation of the cervix after doing the activity.
2. Abnormal v'ginal fluid
Cervical mucus producing useful for female fertility. During s*xual intercourse, the mucus is helping with the sperm move through the cervix into the uterus.
V'ginal discharge that is too much, foul smelling, mucous consistency is too watery or too thick can be a symptom of cancer.
At the initial stage where the cancer is not diagnosed, can occur and affect the organ invasion around the cervix.
When cervical cancer is in the advanced stages of the manifestation which will arise are as follows:
1. Pelvic pain (Pelvis)
Some women may have experienced mild cramps when menstruating, it is normal and does not require medical attention.
However, pain in the pelvis may be a sign of cancer. The pain appears in the lower abdomen between the hip bones.
Many women are described as a dull ache or sharp pain, and the pain can be intermittent or constant.
2. When pain urinating
Pain during urination is one of the symptoms that women already had advanced cervical cancer.
Sometimes there is blood in the urine. This condition usually occurs when the cancer cells have invaded the bladder.
3. As painful defecation
Pain in rectum during bowel movements can be a symptom of advanced cervical cancer.
Sometimes there is blood in the stool. This condition arises when cancer has spread to the rectum.