Female Parakeet Birds sign will soon laying - Maintaining Birds Parakeet

By on 9:56 AM
Female Parakeet Birds sign will soon laying - Maintaining Birds Parakeet
Female Parakeet Birds sign will soon laying - Maintaining Birds Parakeet - Not always easy to determine whether the mark female parakeet is pregnant and ready to spawn.

Unlike other animals, parakeets do not have specific signs when they want to lay their eggs.

If the female parakeet has mated, observe various symptoms following to see if parakeets are ready to lay or not.


Observe whether the female parakeet started making a nest in the cage. Parakeet nests are usually made ​​from various materials contained in the enclosure.

The nest is used as a place to put a parakeet eggs.

If the female parakeet started building a nest, this may be a sign your pet will soon lay eggs.

Bantu parakeet preparing spawn process by providing a variety of materials such as twigs or the nests of dry grass.


Female parakeet behavior more agitated or tense than usual is a sign that the parakeet would probably spawn.

Parakeets are usually perched, while laying will generally be more often stay in the cage floor.

If this happened in a long time, parakeets may find it difficult to lay their eggs.

Try rubbing a little olive oil on the anus so parakeet eggs over easy out.

If this method does not help, you may need to bring a parakeet to the vet.

Physical Changes

Parakeet nesting period usually only lasts about two days so that the physical signs are generally not very visible.

Stomach is about to lay eggs the female parakeet does not always seem bigger.

So, look at behavior change is generally more accurate than a physical view changes.