Vitamin D is available naturally in some foods and are often added to food products.
But most people get vitamin D intake from supplements or sun exposure.
Vitamin D is produced when sunlight on the skin. The term "vitamin" is actually not too right because vitamin D is more like a hormone.
Overdose can occur at almost any vitamin, but generally harmless.
However, because vitamin D hormone is similar, there are some pretty serious risks that can occur when excess intake of vitamin D in high amount.
Vitamin D toxicity
Vitamin D is stored in fat cells and is not excreted like most other vitamins. The recommended daily dose of vitamin D has been debated in recent years.
Initially daily dose of vitamin D is about 200 to 600 IU, but was increased to about 1,000 IU / day.
For most people, exposure to sunlight every day to meet the need for vitamin D.
But for people who live in areas that are not exposed to much sun exposure should add vitamin D supplements in their diet.
Toxicity will be trouble when the intake exceeds the recommended dose and do it consistently. For most people, this dose is approximately 100,000 IU / day.
Despite the overdose, may take several months before symptoms begin to appear.
Symptoms of Vitamin D Overdose
Symptoms of vitamin D overdose can vary from mild to serious. Some of the symptoms such as nervousness, irritability, and emotional.
While the physical signs that can arise include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and weight loss.
In addition, increased thirst and dehydration, as well as severe headaches can occur.
Along with the development of symptoms, nerves and muscles begin to be affected, which causes skin rashes, fatigue, and weakness.
More serious problems due to toxicity of vitamin D in the body are elevated levels of calcium in the blood and soft tissues (such as the lungs, heart, and kidney).
At this point, bone pain or bone loss can occur. Symptoms also can affect the urinary tract, ranging from the production of excess urine to kidney stones and even kidney failure.
High blood pressure and increased risk of heart disease to be one of the feared condition occurs.
Diagnosis of Vitamin D Overdose
Vitamin D overdose is rare and only a few symptoms show special, making diagnosis difficult.
If you worry about having vitamin D toxicity, consult with a physician or other health care related to audit and recommend treatment if necessary.
An overdose of vitamin D treatment
Solutions to deal with an overdose of vitamin D is generally simple, including the limiting intake of vitamin D for a period of time.
But it may take time to relieve symptoms due to excess vitamin D is stored in fat cells so that the side effects will be reduced if vitamin D reserves are exhausted.