"Carotenoids" is a term that summarizes more than 600 pigments that give red, orange, or yellow in various fruits and plants.
Some important carotenoids include alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and lycopene.
Among the names above, lycopene may be little known, although its usefulness is no less important to the other carotenoids.
Research shows that a fat-soluble antioxidant, lycopene is very important to prevent free radical damage that occurs in the body's cells.
Lycopene may be as important as beta-carotene to protect the oxidation of Low Density Lipid (LDL), "bad cholesterol", which is considered to be the main cause of atherosclerosis or arterial calcification.
As known, atherosclerosis can trigger heart attacks and strokes.
Lycopene is also believed to be a potential weapon against cancer due to its antioxidant properties.
In 1995, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute reported a 45% decrease in risk of prostate cancer in men who eat a diet rich in lycopene
Other studies have shown the role of lycopene in the fight against lung cancer, stomach, colon, and breast.
Lycopene gives the red color in tomatoes. That's because, tomatoes would be the richest food source of lycopene.
Consumption of a cup of tomato paste on a regular basis will provide 75,000 mcg of lycopene, tomato soup cans more than 25,000 mcg, and canned tomato juice around 20,000 mcg.
A serving of raw tomatoes, on the contrary, will only give you 5,000 mcg alone.
The figures above indicate that processed tomatoes are the best source of lycopene.
The problem, processed tomato products generally involves the addition of a variety of materials such as salt and sugar that can actually harm health.
As an alternative, there are supplements containing lycopene to meet the body's need for antioxidants.
So, the best way is to combine the intake of dietary supplementation with lycopene to meet the body's needs.