It's important for people who have heart disease risk in selecting fish oil supplements to reduce the risk of heart disease.
Here is a guide to choosing a quality fish oil supplement to get optimal benefits:
1. Transparency and Honesty Label
Fish oil supplement label must provide information that is clear and specific nutrients.
Content of omega-3 fatty acids that are most important to reduce the risk of heart disease are EPA and DHA.
Therefore, the amount of EPA and DHA content in packaging labels must be clearly indicated. For those who have an increased risk of coronary heart disease, the American Heart Association recommends EPA + DHA content of at least 1 g.
On a good quality fish oil, the concentration of omega-3 fatty acids can reach 70% with the ratio of EPA: DHA of 1.4: 1. This comparison is a ratio naturally found in fish.
However, this ratio may be different for different products. Not why, because until now there has been no conclusive evidence regarding the proper ratio.
In addition it should include also information about what kind of fish is used to extract the oil.
Species of fish that are commonly used include fish anchovies, sardines, salmon, etc..
2. Manufacturing Process and Location
You do not need to be a scientist to distinguish the manufacturing process. Look for the molecular distillation (molecular distillation) as keywords is very important.
In addition to the process, pay attention to the specifications of its manufacturing facilities. For products labeled pharmaceutical grade (pharmaceutical grade), GMP manufacturing facility need.
GMP facility is a facility that is used for a type of drug that requires a prescription with strict quality control.
Fish oil is produced close to the source of the fish will usually produce a product with maximum freshness.
3. source of Fish
It is important to find out the source of the fish originated. Some fish oil supplements may use farmed fish that have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids are very low.
Fish from the cold waters of the Arctic ocean, is considered to have low toxicity and content of omega-3 fatty acids are high.
4. International standards
Standard stipulation purpose is to protect consumers. Fish oil quality standards can be searched by using international standards.
Standard commonly used example is set by the European countries, namely European Pharmacopoeia Standard (EPS) or the International Fish Oil Standards (IFOs).
These standards guarantee quality products by setting maximum allowable levels of the content of peroxides, heavy metals, dioxins, furans, and PCBs.
5. appreciation
Fish oil is one product that is widely used and become mainstream in society.
Therefore it is better to find a large and reputable company that managed to gain international recognition than using products from a company that is relatively new.
6. effectiveness Price
It is also important to consider in choosing a fish oil product is the price.
Fish oil products that require funding of about USD 100-200 thousand per month is worth the price spent on eligible products concentration, purity, and freshness.