Treating Tips: Tips on Foot Care in Patients With Diabetes

By on 7:08 PM
Foot care in diabetic patients has been a matter of discussion among researchers, clinicians, nurses, and scientists.

Due to a complication called neuropathy, diabetic patients decreased sensitivity and intolerance to cold in their feet.

Neuropathy occurs when the blood supply to the tiny nerve endings in the feet and hands stopped or reduced.

It is usually found in patients who also suffered eye problems such as retinopathy.

Although high levels of blood glucose are often blamed as the cause of the complications, a new analysis shows that diabetic patients with uncontrolled glucose levels can also have problems.

This may be caused by disruption of the immune system. Therefore, even if blood sugar levels are at normal levels, diabetic patients still have to pay attention to their feet.

Problems with feet can be an early warning sign of other complications. It became an additional reason for the importance of foot care in diabetic patients.

Doctors must examine the condition of the foot in diabetic patients every visit. If necessary, check the condition of the foot can be directly performed by a podiatrist (podiatrist).

Most of the treatments can be done at home, but to ensure the feet free from mold, prevent and treat ingrown toenails or calluses should indeed be performed by a podiatrist.

Seam-free socks of material that easily absorbs sweat can be used to reduce friction and moisture thereby reducing the danger of fungal infections.

Thermal socks can also be used if the patient is sensitive to cold. In addition, the shoe that fits comfortably into an important component of foot care.

Actually, everyone should wear shoes that fit their feet to keep them healthy. However, in diabetic patients uncomfortable shoes can cause foot blisters.

If the foot blisters are not addressed, it will eventually happen infections. Foot blisters can become gangrenous ulcers which ends causes that can lead to partial or total amputation.

Foot care can not be done alone by diabetic patients. Ask for help on family members to help perform maintenance.

Patients can use a magnifying mirror to check foot. Each wound must be immediately addressed. Any redness, swelling or signs of infection should be reported to a doctor.

Another recommendation, although less common is to measure the skin temperature every day. Whether or not this is done needs to be consulted with a doctor first.