Reflexology is often used to relieve pain and stress by applying pressure to specific points on the hands and feet.
Reflexology is a form of complementary therapy based on the belief that different areas of the body have a certain harmony with the area on foot.
In addition to the above benefits, also had reflexology can help induce labor.
Pregnancy reflexology session can take up to an hour and should include advice to get feedback from the patient.
induction of Labor
For most women, childbirth can occur naturally. Induced labor is stimulated work or not occur naturally. Induction is usually done when a pregnancy has gone over 41 weeks.
Induction of labor is usually done between weeks 41 and 42 to prevent pregnancies that are too long due to the baby not being born.
There are several methods used by midwives or doctors to induce labor.
Induction with drugs or chemicals will be carried out usually in hospitals to induce labor.
However, some women want to accelerate the natural way. Reflexology is a natural choice to induce labor.
Reflexology for Labor Induction
Reflexology can be used to help induce labor and reduce the pain of childbirth.
Reflexology is suitable for quiet conditions to relax the mother during birth.
High pressure levels must be managed especially if impending birth and reflexology can help this situation.
Sessions were usually start with a massage on the feet, followed by stimulation of specific points in the feet and ankles.
A trained therapist determine the specific points, it is important to entrust this meeting experienced therapists.
Foot massage generally useful in the uterus. Embryo also be active. When contractions began to occur, must stop the masseur.
When the contraction stops, you can massage to do it again. Of course, the therapist did not make it to the 41 Week of the past.
However, reflexology therapy is not only useful for inducing labor. Reflexology is also good for improving the condition during pregnancy.
Reflexology treatments on a regular basis can the balance of hormones that regulate digestion, strengthens muscles and bones, improve blood circulation and strengthen the immune system.
However, reflexology alone does not bring maximum results. Equally important, must be considered the positive. Care and concern for excessive stress can actually delay delivery time.
Reflexology is a complementary therapy to induce labor and help for pregnant women to stay calm and confident.
Reflexology is not a substitute for the delivery of health care interventions. Consult a doctor if they do during pregnancy reflexology and cause work to want to ensure the safety of mother and child.