Constipation is not a disease. However, constipation is a very annoying condition and can hemorrhoids (hemorroid) cause.
Constipation (constipation) is a condition when a person has severe or rare bowel.
There is no exact number of normal bowel movements. There are people who eat immediately after each bowel movement, there is only once a day.
Bowel movement every other day is still considered normal. But if no bowel movement for 3 days, then you suffer from constipation. If the stool is hard and tough that you also constipation.
Constipation can be a symptom of a disease, but more often caused by lifestyle.
Here are four simple tips to relieve constipation, namely:
First. Replace fluids (drink a lot)
The first step to relieve constipation is doing to alleviate dehydration rehydration. If you are less liquid, then the stool will be hard and difficult to get out.
Increased fluid intake is actually a simple and inexpensive steps, but many people forget to drink. To get adequate fluid intake, you can drink between meals.
It takes more liters normal amount of water you drink to improve bowel movement. Expand drinking water, soft drinks or coffee that is not the same quality with ordinary water.
If you have more than 3 liters of drinking but still experience constipation, dehydration can not be the cause of your constipation.
Two. Increasing physical activity
The next step is to relieve constipation by increasing physical activity.
If you sit at a computer all day, then go home and watch TV after dinner, be sure that you are not going through your body.
You can exercise to train regularly. A motion was instrumental in the bend and twist the abdominal muscles and back.
Movement can stimulate the intestinal gut is easier and smoother. Another benefit of exercise is that you are thirsty, you can add more water consumption.
Three. Do not hesitate or hold
Many people who suffer from constipation because they stop or delay a bowel movement. Contrast to the work of the body's systems.
Therefore, the third step is to alleviate constipation by avoiding delays or hold back bowel movements when you feel like a bowel movement.
Four. more fiber
Eat more fiber to the diet is a step you need to do to relieve constipation.
Eat to reduce more fruits and vegetables, milk and meat. This can help you eliminate constipation naturally.
If your constipation does not improve after the above tips, and then consult a doctor immediately.