People with diabetes, need to count carbohydrate intake to keep blood sugar levels stable.
Not only carbohydrates, diabetics also need to keep your fat intake.
Diabetes can increase the risk of heart disease. Diabetes slowly damage the heart arteries except blood sugar can be controlled.
The data shows three out of four people with diabetes die from heart disease.
Fat Evil, Good Fat
Not all fats are bad for the body, but it is very important to understand the difference.
1. Saturated fats and trans fats
Saturated fats (saturated fats) and trans fats (trans fat). It is considered bad fat because it increases the production of LDL (bad cholesterol).
Saturated fats also cause the formation of plaque in the arteries of the heart, blood vessel constriction, and forcing the heart to work harder to pump blood.
So that these fats can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.
2. Mono / poly unsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids
Monounsaturated fats (monounsaturated fats), polyunsaturated fats (polyunsaturated fats) and omega-3 fatty acids, three are good fats. This helps get rid of fat LDL cholesterol from the bloodstream.
3. cholesterol
Liver actually makes enough cholesterol for the consumption of the body, so that cholesterol from food should be limited to 200 milligrams per day for people with diabetes. Diabetics still need to get the intake of good fats in small quantities.
Fat is still needed to support the functions of the body, but eating too much will add unwanted calories that cause weight gain.
Keep an eye on fat intake
Good diabetic diet should eliminate as many bad fats. Use this guide to make the best choice.
Here are 3 types of fat that should be avoided:
1. Saturated fats (saturated fats)
Saturated fats are usually solid at room temperature. Saturated fat contained in the pieces of meat, dairy products, butter and cheese, coconut and palm oil, chicken skin, turkey, and other poultry.
Saturated fat intake should be limited to a maximum of 7 percent of total daily calories.
2. Trans fats (trans fats)
This fat is turned into a liquid fat through a process called solid hydrogenated.
This type of fat is very bad because not only raise levels of bad fats, but also reduces the amount of good fats in the bloodstream.
Trans fats can be found in many processed foods because it is very stable so it helps extend the shelf life of food.
Because fat is still required as part of the daily diet, bad fats should be replaced with good fats such as:
1. Monounsaturated fats (monounsaturated fats) found in avocados, nuts, olive oil, canola oil, and peanut butter.
2. Polyunsaturated fats (polyunsaturated fats) found in vegetable oils, such as corn oil, or soybean.
3. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, soy products, walnuts, and flaxseed.