Tips for a beautiful sleep: effect of serotonin and melatonin on the sleep cycle

By on 4:22 AM
effect of serotonin and melatonin on the sleep cycle
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that functions to transfer information signal in different parts of the brain.

Serotonin regulate many important body systems, including the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular, and immune.

Serotonin also directly and indirectly controls most functions of the brain, such as mood (mood), s*xual dysfunction and sleep cycles.

Serotonin, melatonin and sleep problems

Highest levels of serotonin in the brain stem occurs when we are awake and active. In contrast, almost no sign of serotonin when we enter REM sleep or the sleep phase within.

During sleep, melatonin levels will increase markedly in the body. Depending on the synthesis of pineal melatonin production, which is supported by serotonin.

When light, increases the production of serotonin, while in low light conditions increased melatonin synthesis. These two double bedrooms, two of these neurotransmitters is key in maintaining sleep cycles.

Disturbed rhythm

Disturbance in the production of serotonin and melatonin rhythm is disturbed to make natural sleep cycle.

For example, when experiencing jet lag, serotonin production cycle will still follow the previous time zone, so that a person would have difficulty adapting.

In winter there is not enough sunlight to trigger the production of serotonin, also sleep cycles may be disrupted.

Improve the level of serotonin

There are a number of recommendations to naturally increase serotonin levels. Eat some foods that are rich in carbohydrates.

Has also said that the repetitive movements such as chewing gum or knitting can help serotonin levels.

In addition, exercise and exposure to bright light, in order to increase the production of serotonin, especially in winter.

Second tip sleep

Exercise and good sleeping habits also increased to slow down the production of serotonin and melatonin production.

Try to go at the same time to bed every night and make sure to get up at the same time every morning.

The bedroom should be as dark as possible and comfortable, not too cold, not too hot. Also, avoid watching TV or working in bed.