Corn is a vehicle that is found in many types of food. Corn Allergy Symptoms vary from person to person.
Some people have an allergic reaction shows just by the smell of popcorn, while others are more durable and do not directly show a serious answer.
The best way to know if someone is allergic to corn is to perform the medical tests.
Corn Allergy experience severe anaphylactic shock (anaphylactic shock). Other symptoms may include obesity, inflammation, and sinuses.
Inflammation is one of the most common symptoms. Someone with a corn allergy may not be aware that their bodies experience inflammation because the same thing was used.
If the body feels tired when you wake up, experience pain in the knee, ankle swelling or itching of the body, so an individual can suffer allergic to corn.
Do you feel tired after eating corn can be so severe, the patient should rest.
If not for corn, there may be some form of allergy or another disease that must be treated immediately. The most appropriate step is to visit your doctor to find the real reason.
Corn allergy is usually worse with age. Many corn allergies diagnosed with other diseases.
Stomach problems are very common in people with allergies to corn. This topic includes the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other bowel disorders.
Your doctor may advise the patient to eat more fiber. After eating corn, abdominal bloating generally be followed by excessive belching.
In extreme cases, the corn allergy can be taken to the emergency room because of severe vomiting, constipation or diarrhea.
Chronic sinus is also another sign of an allergy. The symptoms are shortness of breath, runny nose and watery eyes.
Corn allergy may also have symptoms such as insulin resistance and pre-diabetes. It makes you think he is suffering from pre-diabetes, if discomfort is actually derived from corn allergy.
The safest thing for people with corn allergy is to stay away from all types of corn products and derivatives. These include corn syrup, corn starch, and others.