Many dog owners believe if a pet dog can eat anything. This is not true. They have a different digestive system to humans, and therefore not all foods can be accepted by dogs. The following foods should be avoided by your dog, reported Boldsky
Onions and garlic:
Foods with garlic and onions kill red blood cells in dogs. This causes anemia and weakness in dogs. If your dog is very active, and then the onions could be to blame.
Cocoa contains a dangerous substance called theobromine, which can cause seizures in dogs. This attack can be fatal if it is not handled properly. Avoid chocolates for your pet.
Dairy products:
Adult dog does not need milk products. You can give the puppy milk products, but stop when the dog grows up. Dog's digestive system can not digest milk.
Grapes and raisins:
Wine is a fruit can not be eaten by dogs. Some of the content in grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs.
For people the avocado is a fruit feeder. But dogs can be very dangerous these foods. I have an element called persin avocado. Persin is when in excessive amounts can cause illness in dogs. Nausea and vomiting are the most common symptoms of this disease.
These are some foods that can not be consumed by your dog. Make sure the food is not served so as not to poison your pet dog.