Magnesium is needed for hundreds of the body's basic functions, including regulating your heart and blood pressure, as well as facilitate the metabolism of sugars and fats.
Magnesium also helps the nervous system and combating problems such as insomnia and anxiety.
There are several ways you can do to magnesium that can be optimally absorbed by the body consume supplement.
Here are 11 ways magnesium supplements can be optimally absorbed by the body:
First. Take supplements magnesiun chelated form such as magnesium citrate, glycinate or malate. Fill in this form will be easily absorbed by the body.
Two. Combine the magnesium supplement with calcium. Easiest way is to take the balanced formula, magnesium and calcium in a different segment.
Three. The intake of vitamin C at the same time when taking magnesium supplements. Vitamin C helps more magnesium is absorbed bioavailable to the body.
Four. Soaking in magnesium sulfate, better known salts. Mineral magnesium can be absorbed through the skin.
Five. Reduce or avoid consumption of soft drinks. High phosphate levels found in soft drinks cause the body magnesium is also reduced exhausted.
Six. Reduce the fat intake. Cleaner fat intake, the body to run out of magnesium.
Seven. Note that the consumption of vitamin D. And causes high-dose vitamin D that the body to lose magnesium.
Eight. Reduce or avoid drinking alcohol. Alcohol can also lead magnesium is from the body.
Nine. Check you take the medication. Certain medications such as diuretics, digitalis, tetracycline and corticosteroids cause loss of calcium in the body.
10th. Note that the consumption of foods that contain oxalic acid rich, because it can lead to reduced absorption of magnesium in the body.
Foods that contain high oxalic acid include almonds, chard, cocoa, and spinach.
11th. Reduce or avoid high consumption of animal protein, because it can cause decreased absorption of magnesium.