Tips and Benefits of Pilates for seniors over 50 years

By on 10:49 PM
Pilates is an exercise that is safe and effective and suitable for all ages.

Pilates is also effective in people over the age of 50 years, their bodies strong and healthy.

Pilates exercises focus on improving the well-being or of body and soul. So not only physical but also mental have targeted.

Pilates can help the muscles of the abdomen, hips, back and stay strong and balanced.

Pilates is an efficient program for all fitness levels, even if you've never tried.

People over 50 years who underwent total hip or suffering from back pain can benefit from Pilates exercises.

Regular exercise or Pilates can help balance and posture. Pilates movements strengthen your muscles and increase joint flexibility.

Breathing exercises are a central and Pilates can be useful to help reduce stress. Regular exercise can help lower blood pressure and lose weight.

Pilates exercises or a few times a week will help to alleviate caused by conditions such as arthritis, joint mobility and pain.

Pilates Stretching Exercises to thereby increase the flexibility of muscles and joints, without the joints. Even people with back problems benefit from Pilates exercises.

Poor posture often leads to fatigue and back pain. Pilates is useful is to strengthen the back muscles to improve your posture and relieve pain.

Furthermore, the new Pilates beginner can made 12 basic movements while you learn on an exercise mat / carpet. Basic exercises to help prepare the body for movement again.

Having mastered the basic movement, you can move on to the next type of movement, as well as with a variety of Pilates equipment.

Basic movements include breathing exercises, pelvic exercises, ribs and arms of exercises, leg exercises and strength training.

Examples of basic Pilates exercises are bending movement basin, which is useful to train your abdominal muscles. This movement is done by bending the knee while kneeling on mats / rugs. Place your hands at your sides and your palms on mats.

Press your lower back toward the floor by bending your pelvis slightly upward thrusting chest. Relax and repeat this exercise 5 to 10 times.

This exercise helps train your spine, improve posture and reduce back pain.

There are many variations on Pilates exercises. Once the basics have internalized, you can move to other movements.