You might wonder how needles stuck into the skin, can help to treat the disease.
Acupuncture is often classified as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Obviously, because it is derived from acupuncture.
How can acupuncture work?
Inserting fine needles into specific points in the body is a technique to reduce with acupuncture for the treatment of pain and other therapeutic purposes.
These points, according to Chinese medicine is on site where Qi energy flows or living area. Meridian is a term that is usually used to refer to the flow of energy.
According to the concept of Chinese medicine, there are twelve main meridians in the body. Acupuncture needles inserted at points. Meridian directly to various organs such as liver, kidney and lung.
There are many diseases that can be treated with acupuncture. Acupuncture is often used to treat pain such as arthritis and headache. Acupuncture can also be used for weight loss.
Acupuncture is often criticized that he received showed no anatomical or histological basis of acupuncture points of the human body.
But on the other hand, research shows acupuncture effective in the treatment of certain conditions are scientifically questionable.
According to Chinese medicine, there is a need for balance between yin and yang, keep the body healthy. Yin and Yang are opposing forces, but to work together synergistically.
Can the yin and yang of the dark and light, male and female, or compared high and low. Wine is associated with femininity as Masculinity in dealing with the yang.
Blood flow and energy of life, which is very important given the current TCM. A little hard to get the word corresponding chi. But Qi is often translated as energy of life.
In some parts of the body, Qi is often exaggerated or less or no flow at all.
Reduce or increase the flow of Qi, is the goal of acupuncture. With the flow of Qi is back to normal and smooth, then the body will recover.
Although scientific evidence is not sufficient, it has been shown that acupuncture can cause discomfort and overcome various diseases.
You can acupuncture treatment to be considered safe and natural alternative with no side effects.
Acupuncture stood the test of centuries and still used by many people to improve their health.