If you have any method of dieting without satisfactory results trying, why not try the new method?
Acupuncture (acupuncture), which was discovered thousands of years ago, can be used as an alternative for weight loss.
How can acupuncture to lose weight? As the needle is placed into the skin of the body may be slim?
Originating in China, acupuncture is one of the oldest and most popular medical treatments in the world.
If you are looking for alternative solutions for weight loss, you might want to try acupuncture.
Acupuncture weight loss became popular after 2003, CNN reported clinical success of acupuncture weight loss in China.
Cases of obesity have increased in China led to the practice of acupuncture, weight to lose more and more popular.
According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, obesity is caused by the digestive system is in equilibrium.
Acupuncture can help you to lose weight by strengthening the digestive system.
Acupuncture can be used to control the appetite and weight loss are thus achieved.
Another theory suggests that acupuncture may metabolism, burn calories makes the body more quickly to increase.
Acupuncture for weight loss is done by inserting a thin needle supplied in stainless steel by hand or by electrical stimulation.
Sometimes combined with laser needle. The needles were left for about 30 minutes before it was terminated. Patients feel heat, tingling and numbness.
In addition to ideal weight can be achieved with acupuncture, this method can also be used to regulate the menstrual cycle, reduce mood swings and prevent fatigue.
Here is the procedure to lose weight with acupuncture:
First. Acupuncture treats usually determine herbs.
Two. The therapist performs a series of treatments. After the fourth treatment, the doctor may prescribe herbs may change.
Three. After several treatments, you will begin to feel full faster than ever before.
Four. After the tenth treatment, you should take a break of two weeks to focus on diet and exercise.
It takes time for your body to adjust acupuncture before you feel the impact.
Many people have reported that after passing through the methods described above, excessive appetite suppression.
Worked acupuncture points for weight loss are as follows:
Mouth - to reduce appetite, can also be used to stop the smoking habit.
Stomach - to reduce the desire to eat even after fully charged stomach though.
Lung - for food addicts, as well as those who love chocolate and sweets.
Endocrine - for water retention that is responsible for weight gain.
Adrenal and Ovary - if weight loss is triggered by menopause or PMS.
Spleen - for sugar imbalances and hormonal disturbances.
Kidney - for water retention, nervous system, and hormonal imbalances.
Thyroid - for slow metabolism.
However, do not rely on acupuncture as the only way. Should be supported by other efforts acupuncture.
Medical studies have shown that the selection exercise and diet is also an important component in the process of weight loss.
For security reasons, only entrust these treatments acupuncture therapist certified.
Common side effects of acupuncture to lose weight Northwest are headache and nausea.