Cirrhosis is a chronic medical condition caused by inflammation of the liver, and is characterized by damage and impaired liver function.
In cirrhosis, a healthy liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue and block the flow of blood to the heart.
Cirrhosis is generally caused by factors such as excessive alcohol consumption and certain medical conditions such as hepatitis B and C.
However, in some cases, cirrhosis can occur due to various reasons combined are not always specific.
Here are the signs and symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver:
1. jaundice
Jaundice is one of the symptoms that are often associated with cirrhosis of the liver.
The liver helps produce and maintain the level of bilirubin in the body. In patients with cirrhosis, the liver loses its ability to perform its functions.
As a result, a large amount of bilirubin builds up in the bloodstream, causing the skin to turn yellow.
2. easy Bruising
Other common symptoms associated with cirrhosis is easily bruised.
One of the main functions of the liver is to help blood clotting mechanism in the event of injury or injuries.
In the case of cirrhosis, the liver loses its ability to produce blood clotting factors.
Decreased ability of blood clotting can make a person more susceptible to various health risks and complications from injuries stubborn.
3. Stomach pain
Abdominal pain is a common symptom of an individual may be suffering from cirrhosis of the liver.
This condition mainly occurs due to accumulation of fluid in the abdomen causing reduced blood flow to various organs, causing severe pain.
4. Other symptoms
Other common symptoms of cirrhosis include nausea, tiredness even when not doing anything, itching, and loss of weight.
Complications Associated with Cirrhosis
Certain complications such as swelling in the feet and hands, enlarged spleen, gall stones, and insulin resistance is often associated with advanced stages of cirrhosis.
If left untreated, can lead to cirrhosis of liver cancer and hepatic encephalopathy, a condition in which toxic waste accumulates in the brain because it can not be filtered by the liver that has been damaged.
The condition can lead to coma and even death.