Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin. Deficiency (deficiency) of vitamin K actually very rare.
However, newborns are susceptible to vitamin K deficiency, so sometimes require injections of vitamin K.
Daily dose of vitamin K is recommended is 120 micrograms per day for men and 90 micrograms for women.
Bacteria in the gut actually produces vitamin K, so that cases of severe deficiency generally rare.
Vitamin K is known to play an important role in the blood clotting process. When injury occurs, without vitamin K, the blood would be difficult to freeze and hold out.
However, recent evidence also suggests vitamin K is important for bone health and arterial calcification.
Vitamin K allows certain proteins to bind calcium. Tend to lose calcium from bones in older age, and it settles in the arteries.
Vitamin K deficiency can also be bad in cancer patients, especially the liver and prostate cancer.
Research shows that vitamin K supplements reduce cancer recurrence and improve survival significantly.
You will not be deficient in vitamin K if the consumption of vegetables that contain a form of vitamin K1 or animal products that contain a form of vitamin K2.
However, to ensure adequate intake, you may need to take supplements of vitamin K.
Drops of vitamin K supplementation is considered very effective and the effect can last long only at a dose of one milligram per day.