Liver is an important organ of the body.
The liver performs many functions, including a role in protein metabolism, detoxify the body, and storage of vitamin A.
In addition, the liver also regulates glucose and lipid supplies that will be used by the body.
In order to function properly, the liver and blood cells must cooperate with one another.
In cirrhosis, such cooperation can not run optimally so many normal functions of the liver is not working.
In the case of cirrhosis, liver cells are replaced by scar tissue healthy thus inhibiting blood flow to the heart.
As a result, the blood begins to accumulate in the blood vessels of the liver and cause an increase in blood pressure.
Cooperation between the liver and the bile may also be disrupted so that the liver can not perform the function of eliminating toxic substances from the body.
There are several causes of cirrhosis of the liver, which are:
1. alcohol
The most common cause of cirrhosis of the liver is a large amount of alcohol intake.
Alcohol causes the death of healthy liver cells are replaced by scar tissue.
2. hepatitis
Hepatitis occurs due to inflammation of the liver due to a viral infection. Hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and hepatitis D, all of which can lead to cirrhosis of the liver.
3. genetic diseases
Genetic diseases can cause cirrhosis of the liver. These diseases include glycogen storage disease, hemochromatism, Wilsons disease, galactosemia, and cystic fibrosis.
These diseases lead to abnormal accumulation of toxic substances that cause damage to the liver cells.
4. Non-alcoholic fatty liver
A condition called non-alcoholic fatty liver can lead to cirrhosis of the liver.
This happens because of certain diseases such as CAD, obesity, type II diabetes, and protein deficiency diseases.
5. other conditions
Another condition that is known to cause liver cirrhosis biliary cirrhosis, autoimmune cirrhosis, cardiac cirrhosis, bacterial or parasitic infections long term, and too many drugs.
In the early stages, cirrhosis of the liver may not show signs and symptoms.
But as the development, the patient will experience weakness or fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, pale skin, and nausea, and loss of libido.
Due to an enlarged liver, abdominal pain may occur. Fluid retention will cause weight gain and swelling in the abdomen, ankles, and cause respiratory problems.
Due to cirrhosis of the liver, toxins can not be eliminated from the body and affect the brain resulting in symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, confusion, drowsiness and even coma.
Swelling of the liver can also cause the stool and vomit mixed with blood. At a later stage, about 7 percent of patients will experience liver cancer.