Someone who has kidney stones need to pay attention to diet to maintain their condition.
Kidney stones are formed due to calcification in the urinary system.
As the name suggests, the first kidney stones form in the kidney, but over time can switch to the lower urinary system.
Approximately 4% of the population in the U.S. experienced a kidney stone. In addition, approximately 12% of men will have a kidney stone at the age of 70 years.
The composition of kidney stones are generally composed of calcium oxylate (70-80%), uric acid (10%), struvite (9-17%), and cystine (less than 1%).
The signs and symptoms of the most common kidney stones include low urine output, high urine pH (alkaline), and the amount of urine with high concentrations of calcium, oxalate, uric acid, or a combination of these substances.
Kidney stones treatment will generally include diabetes management. Here are some guidelines on kidney stone diet:
1. Customize your diet with specific metabolic disorders that may be experienced by patients with kidney stones
2. Depending on the condition of the patient, but the restriction of calcium intake may not be necessary
3. Calcium and oxalate intake should be balanced
4. Limit your intake of spinach, beets, nuts, chocolate, and strawberry
5. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose of vitamin C to increase the urinary excretion of oxalate
6. Animal protein should be limited as much as 1 g / kg body weight
7. Salt intake should be limited to less than 100 mEq / dl
8. Potassium intake should be propagated (five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day)
9. Drink enough water to increase urine production for at least 2 liters of urine / day (2-3 L of water intake / day is recommended)
Most kidney stones will make arrangements with the whole diet as already highlighted above.
However, if after going through the X-ray examination it turns out the problem was more serious kidney stones, invasive procedures may be required.