One of the complications of diabetes that may occur is diabetic neuropathy.
Diabetic neuropathy is a disorder of the nerves caused by high blood sugar levels in the long term.
Diabetic neuropathy is classified into 4 types:
1. Peripheral neuropathy
Peripheral neuropathy, also called distal symmetric neuropathy or sensory-motor neuropathy, is nerve damage in the arms and legs. Feet may be affected first before hand and arm.
Some of the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy that often occur are:
• numbness or insensitivity to pain or temperature.
• tingling, burning sensation, or a sensation punctured.
• sharp pain or cramps.
• extreme sensitivity to touch, even light touch.
• loss of balance and coordination.
These symptoms are often worse at night. Peripheral neuropathy may also cause muscle weakness and loss of reflexes, especially at the ankle, which led to changes in the way a person when walking.
Foot deformities, such as hammertoes and the collapse of the middle leg may occur. Blisters and sores may appear on numb the foot caused by the pressure or injury without realizing it.
If foot injuries are not treated promptly, the infection can spread to the bone, and can cause leg amputated.
Some experts say that half of all amputations can be prevented if the problem can be detected and treated early.
2. Autonomic neuropathy
Autonomic neuropathy affects the nerves that control the heart, regulate blood pressure, and control blood glucose levels.
Autonomic neuropathy also affects other internal organs, causing problems with digestion, respiratory function, urination, s*xual response, and vision functions.
In addition, the system restore blood glucose levels to normal levels after a hypoglycemic episode may be affected as well, resulting in loss in the event of hypoglycemia warning symptoms.
3. Proximal neuropathy
Proximal neuropathy, sometimes called lumbosacral plexus neuropathy, femoral neuropathy, or diabetic amyotrophy.
The symptoms started with pain in the thighs, hips, buttocks, or legs, usually on one side of the body. This is the type of neuropathy is more common in people with type 2 diabetes and in people who had been suffering from diabetes.
Proximal neuropathy causes weakness in the legs and inability to move from a sitting to a standing position without help.
Treatment for weakness or pain is usually needed. The length of recovery usually varies, depending on the type of nerve damage.
4. Focal neuropathy
Focal neuropathy appears suddenly and affects specific nerves, most commonly in the head, torso, or leg.
Focal neuropathy can cause:
• inability to focus the eyes
• double vision
• pain behind one eye
• paralysis on one side of the face, called Bell's palsy
• Severe pain in the lower back or pelvis
• pain in the front of the thigh
• pain in the abdomen, chest, or sides
• pain on the outside or inside leg shin
• abdominal or chest pain which is sometimes mistakenly thought to be due to heart disease, heart attack, or appendicitis.
Focal neuropathy is very painful and often occur unexpectedly in diabetics. However, it tends to improve by itself over a few weeks or months and does not cause long term damage.
People with diabetes also tend to experience nerve suppression, also called entrapment syndromes.
One of the most common is carpal tunnel syndrome, which causes numbness and tingling in the hands and sometimes muscle weakness or pain.