Tips Face Beauty: 3 Causes of Acne on the Face

By on 4:04 PM
Tips Face Beauty: 3 Causes of Acne on the Face
Acne is a skin problem that often occurs, especially in adolescence.

Despite the possibility of some adults also experience it.

Acne is very disturbing appearance, ranging from redness to the appearance of scarring in acne scars.

There are at least three factors that contribute to the formation of acne, namely:

1. Excess oil production (Overproduction of oil / sebum)

2. Exfoliation of dead skin cells that cause irritation of hair follicles

3. Bacteria which breed

Acne appear when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells.

Each follicle is connected to sebaceous glands. The sebaceous glands secrete an oily substance called sebum to lubricate the hair and skin.

Sebum normally moves along the hair shafts and then out through the opening of the hair follicles on the skin surface.

If the body produces sebum and dead skin cells to excess, then they will merge to form a smooth blockages in the hair follicles.

This blockage can cause the follicle wall and a produce stand closed blackheads or whiteheads.

The blockage could be open to the skin surface and become black so be open comedones or blackheads.

Acne grows into red spots with white in the middle that develop when blocked hair follicles become inflamed or infected.

Obstruction and inflammation can develop deep into the hair follicle and produce bumps on the surface of the skin called cysts (cyst).

Not yet known what caused the increased production of sebum. But a number of factors are considered to play a role include hormones, bacteria, certain medications, and heredity.

Contrary to what people think, greasy foods and chocolate have only little effect on acne. In addition, acne is not caused by dirt.

Too coarse facial scrub or clean your face with soap or harsh chemicals that can cause skin irritation and make acne worse.

To prevent the appearance of acne that is needed is to clean the skin regularly to remove excess oil and dead skin cells.