High blood glucose levels in the long term can damage many parts of the body such as the heart, blood vessels, eyes, and kidneys.
Diabetic retinopathy (diabetic retinopathy) is the most common eye problems in people with diabetes.
High blood glucose levels due to diabetes can hurt four parts of the eye, namely:
1. retina
The retina is a layer at the back of the eye. Retinal function captures light entering the eye.
2. vitreous
Vitreous is a jelly-like fluid that fills the back of the eye.
3. lens
The lens is at the front of the eye. Functioning lens focuses light on the retina.
4. optic nerve
The optic nerve is a major nerve eye to the brain.
Damage to the retina occurs slowly. Retinas have tiny blood vessels that are easily damaged.
High blood glucose levels and high blood pressure in the long term can damage the small blood vessels.
First, the small blood vessels swell and weaken. Some blood vessels then become clogged so that blood can no longer pass through it.
At first, probably will not happen vision loss due to this change.
In order to be detected as early as possible, people with diabetes should perform dilated eye examination once a year even though their vision seems fine.
If the retina problems get worse, new blood vessels begin to form. However, these new blood vessels are weak, so fragile and leak blood into the vitreous resulted in eye.
Leaky blood would block incoming light to reach the retina.
Patients who experience it probably will only see blurry spots but could be almost completely dark.
Sometimes the blood will disappear by itself. But sometimes it is necessary following surgery to remove the blood.
The swollen blood vessels and weak if left for years can form scar tissue and pull the retina away from the back of the eye.
If a retinal detachment, you will see floating spots or flashing lights are like. Detached retina that can cause vision loss or blindness if not treated immediately.
Consult your eye doctor immediately if you experience problems or a sudden change in your vision.