Get your ideal weight should not only nonsense, or not to.
If you want to get it, need to move and let the current habits might feel comfortable.
Weight problem is not because of the food that we eat occasionally, but just because of the food we consume frequently.
According to NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is a good starting point is called the exercise the establishment of a well-built result.
Intention "Well-educated" means all of the criteria and the end result is well calculated here. Here are the steps to create good results:
1) Tell me what or how much weight you (not what you do not want) want. For example: "I want to weigh up to 48 kilograms."
2) Assess whether you believe you can achieve it? Are you sure that this is possible?
3) what resources you have and what you need, such as time, money, equipment, clothing, trainers and others.
4) Check whether there are other people involved and the possible obstacles that may come from others. Think of all the people who are involved in your daily life.
5) Set "as if" what you want to say or do before.
Then see if the image appears to your liking? Do you feel like what look like?
6) Prepare action plans to achieve the desired results.
Although it seems to be doing a lot of work just to decide what you want, but it will be very helpful if they can occur with barriers or obstacles faced.