There are many frequently asked questions to find out what and how about gout (uric acid).
Gout is a condition that can cause a very painful feeling.
Here are 10 of the most frequently asked questions about gout (uric acid):
1. What is gout (uric acid) is it?
Gout is a metabolic condition that is usually characterized by abnormalities or high levels of uric acid in the blood.
According to health workers condition called hyperuricemia, while the common people called gout.
When uric acid blood to move from one part of the body joints and turned into crystals, there will be an attack of gout.
If the attack appears only occasionally, it is called with an acute gout attack. While the attacks appear regularly and persistently called chronic gout.
2. What is the cause of gout (uric acid)?
The exact cause of gout is still under debate, but the general understanding that the mention of high purine foods are the main cause of gout.
Foods that contain a lot of purines include red meat, shellfish, nuts, and some specific vegetables.
Some say that consuming alcohol in large quantities in a consistent and often can lead to gout.
3. What does gout attack?
As explained previously, uric acid can crystallize in one of the big toe joints, feet, ankles, toes, knees, hands, wrists, fingers, and elbows.
Gout affected joints will experience swelling, feels very hot, shiny, and red.
The pain caused by gout is very unusual and can last for several hours or even days or weeks.
4. Is there a cure for gout?
There is no cure for gout. But many pharmaceutical drugs and natural method used to relieve gout attacks. In addition, there are many measures intended to prevent gout.
5. Is genetically inherited gout?
The answer is Yes and No. It is estimated that approximately 10-20% of the total affected by gout have a genetic predisposition to develop the condition.
While most of the people affected by gout caused by habits and poor lifestyle.
6. Anyone who can get gout?
Men are more susceptible to gout (uric acid) than women, although women are more often affected by gout after menopause.
As with other diseases, gout is the accumulation of disease.
Several factors contribute to the emergence of gout is diet and poor lifestyle combined with stress and exposure to harmful chemicals from the environment.
The first attack usually occurs in men at the age of 40 years, but recent reports indicate that gout attacks occur in the early 30s and even 20s.
7. How to cope with attacks of gout?
Treatment is usually done is to use the drug allopurinol and colchicine, and change your lifestyle to be more healthy.
While the cellular approach, following a diet acid / base and consume high levels of antioxidants to reduce oxidation and acidity is a holistic method that is widely accepted.
8. What can you do for gout?
In addition to conventional protocols using drugs, the main weapon for the treatment of gout is to learn proactively.
Learning how to increase acidity in the body, especially at the cellular level and take action to neutralize and minimize the damage.
9. What should be done to reduce the risk of gout?
Avoid stress and apply the diet in small portions, especially for meat, beans, and whole grains. Instead consume fresh vegetables and fruits in large quantities.
Avoid too dangerous cosmetics, detergents, fuels, paints, and other harmful chemicals. In addition, drink water from the fountain clean and not polluted.
10. What to do to relieve the pain of gout?
According to western medicine, the first recommendation to relieve pain caused by gout is the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs / NSAIDs).
Meanwhile, from a holistic perspective, raising the pH to be more alkaline body chemistry is the first thing that must be done. This can be done with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and apple cider vinegar (apple cider vinegar).
In addition, soaking in Epsom salts or a paste of dried peppermint leaves can reduce inflammation.
Alfalfa herbal remedies such as tea or Dandelion tea can also serve to suppress and reduce high uric acid levels.