People with diabetes should have the tools to check blood sugar levels at home.
Because monitoring of blood sugar levels on a regular basis is the main way to control diabetes.
This examination will tell when the blood glucose levels as well.
When the results of this examination was taken to the doctor, the patient will have a picture of the body's response to subsequent diabetes treatment plan.
The experts feel that people with diabetes can benefit from checking blood glucose because they can always easier to control blood sugar levels.
The American Diabetes Association recommends blood glucose checks if you have diabetes and / or any of the following conditions:
• received insulin or diabetes medication therapy
• are undergoing intensive insulin therapy
• being in pregnancy
• have difficulty controlling blood glucose levels
• have blood glucose levels that are very low or ketones appear because of high blood glucose levels
• have low blood glucose levels without any prior warning signs of
If you want to monitor your blood sugar in the house, the steps below will help:
1. After washing your hands, insert the test strip to measure blood sugar.
2. Fingertip puncture with a needle that is provided in order to eject blood.
3. Squeeze or fingers to massage out the blood (blood sample size required varies depending on the measuring instrument).
4. Grasp and hold the tip of the test strip to the blood dripping on the test strip, and wait for the results.
5. Blood glucose level will appear on the screen measurement tool.
Note: Each gauge has a little difference though, so you have to read the instructions manual to ensure optimal working gauges.
Here is the range of blood glucose levels for adults with diabetes:
Glycemic control:
- A1C: <7.0%
- Glucose plasma preprandial (before meal): 70-130 mg / dl (5.0 to 7.2 mmol / l)
- Plasma glucose postprandial (after meal): <180 mg / dl (<10.0 mmol / l)
- Blood pressure: <130/80 mmHg
- LDL: <100 mg / dl (<2.6 mmol / l)
- Triglycerides: <150 mg / dl (<1.7 mmol / l) HDL:> 40 mg / dl (> 1.1 mmol / l)
After completing the check blood glucose, write the results and learn to evaluate how food, activity, and stress affect your blood glucose levels.
Note the results of blood glucose to see if there is a check that the results are too high or too low a few days in a row. If the same thing continues to happen, it may be time to change your daily plan.
Consult your doctor or diabetes specialist to learn how to check the effect on your results. Of course it takes time to determine the effect of this.
You can also ask your doctor or nurse if you have to report the results of a long-distance by phone.
Keep in mind that blood glucose results often trigger emotions. Blood glucose levels can make you angry, confused, frustrated, or depressed. It's easy to use these results to judge yourself.
Remind yourself that the blood glucose level is a way to evaluate how well the diabetes care plan work.
This is not a judgment on you. It is precisely the result will inform that you need a change in your diabetes treatment plan.
In addition to blood, glucose levels can be checked through urine. However, check urine for glucose levels is not as accurate as blood glucose checks and only used when the blood test was not possible.
Do check urine ketones to be important when diabetes is out of control or when you are sick. Every person with diabetes should know also how to check urine ketones.