Panchakarma is a Sanskrit word that means "five actions" or "five treatments."
Panchakarma is the process used to rid the body of toxic substances derived from disease and bad food.
Ayurveda says that the dosha that is not balanced will cause waste in the body.
In Ayurveda, garbage called Ama. Ama is something foul-smelling, sticky, or toxic substances that must be removed from the body as soon as possible.
Panchakarma will remove excess or imbalance Ama dosha along with that stick, out through the body's excretory systems such as sweat glands, urinary tract, bowel, and others.
Ayurveda recommends Panchakarma as a routine treatment for tuning the mind body system (such as a tune up for the car).
Steps in Panchakarma
Panchakarma consists of five therapies. But usually only one treatment is performed, depending on individual needs, body type, or dosha imbalance, and others.
Therapy will be very personal and will differ from one person to another.
Before you start doing Panchakarma, oil and warmed patients were given first to remove excess dosha of the limbs to the appropriate shelter in the digestive tract, and then removed.
Excited sin then called utkleshana or therapeutic leave the body makes excess dosha.
Vomiting Therapy (Vamana)
This treatment is used when there is a blockage in the lungs causing repeated attacks of various diseases such as bronchitis, coughs, colds or asthma.
The goal of this therapy is to induce vomiting to get rid of the mucus that causes excess kapha.
Beverages consisting of licorice and honey, or calamus root tea (Calamus root tea) is given to the patient.
Another substance that is also used is salt, and cardamom. Vomiting induced by rubbing the tongue. The target is four to eight times vomiting.
After vomiting, the patient will usually feel very comfortable, most of the obstruction, asthma, and shortness of breath will be lost along with sinus cleansing.
Therapeutic vomiting is used for cough, colds, asthma symptoms, fever, nausea, loss of appetite, anemia, poisoning, skin diseases, diabetes, lymphatic obstruction, chronic indigestion, edema (swelling), epilepsy (between attacks), chronic sinus problems, and to attack recurrent tonsillitis.
Purification therapy (Vireka, Virechan, Herbal laxative therapy)
Virechan Pitta dosha is cleansing and purifying the blood of toxins. Generally, this therapy is given three days after the Vamana therapy.
If Vamana therapy is not required, can be administered directly Virechan. Virechan clean the sweat glands, small intestine, large intestine, kidney, stomach, liver, and spleen.
A number of herbs that have been refined used as a laxative. Such materials include senna, prune, bran, flaxseed skin, dandelion root, psyllium seed, cow's milk, salt, castor oil, raisins, and mango juice.
When taking these laxatives, patients must adhere to a restricted diet. Vireka used for the treatment of skin diseases, chronic fever, abdominal tumors, worms, gout, jaundice, digestive problems, constipation, and irritable bowel.
Enema (Basti)
Enema therapy is used for various purposes.
In general, this treatment is used to flush dosha and release through the digestive tract.
There are more than 100 specific enemas listed in Ayurveda.
Basti involves drug substances such as sesame oil, calamus oil, or other herbal ingredients are put into the rectum. Basti is very good for Vata disorders.
This therapy to relieve constipation, bloating, chronic fever, the common cold, s*xual disorders, kidney stones, heart pain, vomiting, back pain, neck pain, and excess acid.
Vata disorders such as pelvic pains, arthritis, rheumatism, and gout can also be treated by Basti. There are about 80 in Ayurveda Vata disorder. Approximately 80 percent of these disorders can be treated with medication enema.
This therapy is done through the rectum.
The types of enemas:
- Oil Enema or Nirhua Basti: 1/2 to 1 cup of warm sesame oil (for chronic constipation)
- Herb enema or Anuvasana Basti (Herbal enema): 1/2 cup or gotu kola herb comfrey with 1/2 cup of warm sesame oil
- Enema Nutrition: 1 cup warm milk, 1 cup beef broth or 1 cup soup bone marrow
Enema should not be given to people who suffer from chronic indigestion, bleeding from rectum, cough, shortness of breath, diarrhea, diabetes, severe anemia, people who are too old or children under the age of 7 years.
Do not give herb enema for people suffering from acute fever, diarrhea, cold, paralysis, heart disease, or severe pain in the abdomen.
Nasya Nasal Administration (inhalation Herbal Therapy)
This therapy is done by inhaling steam from herbal ingredients that have been incorporated into the boiling water.
This therapy is used primarily to eliminate the problems associated with Kapha, the ears, eyes, nose, and throat disorders such as migraine, sinusitis, catarrh, and bronchitis.
The nose is the gateway to the brain and consciousness. Prana, or life energy, enters the body through the breath is taken through the nose.
Nasya helps to improve prana disorder that affects the sensory and motor functions of the brain.
Nasya is indicated for dryness of the nose, sinus congestion, hoarseness, migraine, seizures and eye and ear problems.
Types of Nasya
- Virechan (cleansing using herbs or herbal mashed)
- Nutritional Nasya (for Vata)
- Sedative Nasya
- Nasya decoctions
- Ghee or oil Nasya
- Nasal massage
- Substances such as powdered calamus, gotu kola, red onion, garlic, black pepper, cayenne, ginger, ghee oils herb used in Nasya.
Nasya therapy should not be done after bathing, eating, s*x, drinking alcohol, during pregnancy, or menstruation.
Blood Letting (Rakta Moksha)
Extravasation is used to eliminate toxins that are absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract blood flow.
This process aims to purify the blood. This therapy is used to angguan skin as urticaria, rash, eczema, acne, scabies, leucoderma and chronic itching.
This therapy is also effective for treating enlarged liver and spleen, as well as gout.
Blood expenditure should only be performed by a qualified physician, is useful to eliminate some Pitta disorders such as acne and rashes.
If managed correctly, can stimulate antitoxin substances in the bloodstream, so the immune system can help the blood.
Do not do this therapy in cases of anemia, edema, weak people, or people who are very old and the very young.