Treatment of Acne With Turmeric: Acne Free Tips

By on 6:05 AM

Treatment of Acne With Turmeric
Turmeric is a spice include ginger family.

Turmeric has been used for thousands of years as a medicinal plant uses natural.

In India, turmeric is an essential element of traditional medicine as Ayurveda.

Indian women use an amount of turmeric to treat acne.

Acne is caused by inflammation. Acne and blackheads occur due to clogged skin pores due to the accumulation of milk.

Acne usually appears on the face, chest, elbows and back. Teenagers are the age group that often experiences acne, and usually disappear by themselves.

But instead of letting go of self, acne should be treated. Turmeric can be used as an alternative plants to heal acne naturally.

Curcumin contained in turmeric is a great anti-inflammatory agent. Curcumin is a polyphenol compound Organic flavonoids.

With the ability of anti-inflammatory, turmeric is very suitable for use to fight acne.

To be effective, treatment of acne from inside and outside. Many people use two different materials for both these purposes.

It is a place where benefits of turmeric. Turmeric may be used to treat acne by either outside or inside the body.

Mix a pinch of turmeric powder with a glass of milk and drink every day. This powerful herb to fight acne from the inside. External treatment, ointment or grated turmeric for acne.

Alternatively, you can also supplement with 50 mg of curcumin turmeric extract with curcumin concentrations as much as 95% of the daily dose.

Choose a supplement that an enteric coating (enteric coat) that turmeric extract efficiently absorbed by the body.