Herbal Tips - Lowering Cholesterol with Turmeric

By on 6:16 AM

Lowering Cholesterol with Turmeric
Turmeric is a tuber grown in many tropical countries.

Turmeric is a member of the ginger family.

Be the main active ingredient in turmeric contains curcumin.

Curcumin is a substance that gives turmeric yellow-orange color.

Turmeric has long been to taste, as also used as a food preservative. China, turmeric have long been used as anti-inflammatory.

Several studies were conducted to determine the ability of turmeric reduced cholesterol and to investigate an anti-oxidant.

Anti-inflammatory, turmeric can be noted as a shield to act. Inflammation in the circulatory system plays an important role in heart attacks operator.

Inflammation is the body's response to injury and blood clotting is often part of the reaction. In this case, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs help heart attacks.

One of the compounds, which is harmful for the body, free radicals. This compound is a by-product of body processes such as breathing or to external factors such as smoking.

When free radicals with LDL-cholesterol (bad) combine by oxidation, LDL particles are more violent and easily penetrate cells of the arteries and accumulate there.

This accelerates the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and thin (constipation and hardening of the blood vessels).

Turmeric contains antioxidants that can neutralize free radicals and prevents plaque formation in LDL-cholesterol.

There are few studies on the effects of curcumin on cholesterol levels in humans. Further studies performed in rabbits and rats.

Rabbit received high-fat diet showed decreased levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in certain curcumin.

This study shows that it is possible that LDL cholesterol levels between a third to a half compared to download rabbits do not get turmeric.

A study in mice showed that curcumin can the levels of HDL-cholesterol increase (good cholesterol) and triglycerides.

Ability of turmeric lowered cholesterol may be associated with a reduction in the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine and increase bile in the liver.

In addition to the compound, curcumin includes a variety of natural materials, such as minerals, fiber, tannins, flavonoids, camphor, azulene and other compounds.

Turmeric is actually a composition of 5% turmeric only. In addition to turmeric, there are many other materials that can provide health benefits.

With all the materials that turmeric contained in it has a promising potential natural plant lowering cholesterol.