Botox injection method already selected to avoid creases and wrinkles in the face.
Botox effects can be seen quickly and can last up to several months.
Botox injections are also relatively cheap and therefore cheaper cosmetic surgery.
However, pregnant women and nursing mothers are advised not to use any kind of Botox injection.
Relationship between Botox and pregnancy not yet studied in detail. Not known how to use Botox can harm the fetus in the womb.
But doctors agree that pregnant and nursing women should not use botox injections.
There are other reasons why doctors say that the use of Botox during pregnancy is not required.
During pregnancy, the skin will eliminate fine reasons for the use of Botox as a rule.
What is Botox?
Botox is short for Botulinum Toxin A. It is a toxin produced by the botulism bacteria that can cause food poisoning.
So if Botox is injected to remove wrinkles on the skin, you basically put poison under the skin!
Therefore, the assumption is that Botox and pregnancy are not hand in hand.
Why is there so little research in this case?
The study will be difficult because of Botox should be fully injected in pregnant women to determine their effects.
Of course, no parent wants to take this risk. So no definitive conclusions about the relationship between Botox and pregnancy.
Consensus among physicians
The cosmetic surgeons and obstetricians do not warn their patients Botox during pregnancy.
During pregnancy, the production of certain hormones, the skin becomes smoother. This is partly because the body store more water during pregnancy, so that the skin is supple and soft.
In some cases, botulism bacteria can spread to other parts of the body outside of the injected.
This can lead to side effects such as difficulty breathing and swallowing. Other symptoms that may occur, such as changes in the voice, muscles become weak and blurred vision.
All of these things serve as a warning for Botox during pregnancy should be avoided.