Beauty Tips - 9 Steps to recovery after Botox Injection

By on 8:29 PM
9 Steps to recovery after Botox Injection
Compared to other cosmetic procedures, the speed of recovery after Botox injection is simple and fast.

Botox is injected without anesthesia. After the procedure, the patient can go home immediately.

Common side effects are very low, especially if the injection is carried out by experienced specialists.

Here are nine stages of recovery after he received Botox injections:

Step 1

Immediately after the procedure is done, make sure to compress the injection area with ice for at least 10 minutes. Ice compresses to prevent bruising and swelling.

Step 2

If you must use makeup, wear thin. This is to minimize the reddish stains that may occur. Apply concealer will also help.

Step 3

Avoid or massage the injection site. Massage can do so ubiquitous that Botox that change to paralyze the facial muscles. Wash your face gently and try to sleep in the supine position.

Step 4

Give your body time to fully recover and avoid. Strenuous physical activity for at least 24 hours Strenuous activities can Botox spread to other areas.

Step 5

Elevate the head or at least 3 to 4 hours, where after the injection. This can also help prevent the spread of Botox to other areas.

Step 6

Talk to your doctor about the "facial exercises" to test the facial muscles. Facial exercises or tests to ensure that they perform a variety of facial expressions.

Step 7

Find out if there is a substance that should be avoided. Discuss with your doctor about the different types of makeup, cleansing and moisturizing cream that may or may not use it in order to avoid contamination and possible side effects.

Step 8

Find out the results of what you would expect, and an assessment of it after 24 hours. If you are not satisfied, it may takes about 3-10 days to see the full results.

Everyone reacts differently to the implementation of Botox. Do not be too concerned if the results are not visible.

Step 9

Physician schedule to meet again after the restore is complete. Your doctor will check whether the results are consistent with the original purpose or not.