Tips for keeping Iguana: 5 interesting facts about the Iguana

By on 7:53 PM
5 interesting facts about the Iguana
More and more people are interested in maintaining the Iguana. Iguana saved because of its uniqueness and its exotic.

If you've been keeping an iguana, there are some interesting facts that you should know about iguanas.

Here are five facts about iguanas:

First. Iguanas are herbivores.

This means that iguanas do not eat meat, but plants. However, some sources say that iguanas are omnivores.

This means that iguanas should not be fed animal products, because their digestive systems are not designed for this.

When given animal products, protein contained in it is converted to uric acid. This can be dangerous for the iguana.

Turn gout uric acid, the complications and can even lead to kidney failure.

This course will shorten the life of the Iguana. Just make sure you only iguana feeding in the form of herbs or vegetables.

Two. Iguanas can be trained.

Not just dogs or cats can be trained iguanas. So they are really intelligent animals.

Iguanas can be trained to use the toilet or throw dirt in some places are.

Can also be trained to perform various tricks iguana. If lost, Iguana will find their way home.

But of course, trained iguana requires patience, as when training a dog or a cat that requires patience.

Three. Iguanas can be very large.

Just because when you buy small, it does not mean iguana can not grow large. Iguanas can grow up to a meter or more in length.

So take this matter to be considered by a growing iguana determine precautions.

Four. Iguanas love to climb.

Iguana live in a prosperous, has to offer not only good food but also packages similar to their natural habitat.

To climb nature, love iguanas on trees. Be sure, some sort of tree branch or provide seat iguanas.

Five. Iguana like sunshine

Iguanas need sunlight. Iguanas require UVA and UVB rays of the sun, enjoy some food for the body to take smoothly.

UVB rays are used to stimulate a chemical reaction in the skin to make vitamin D3 Iguana. This vitamin is in the processing of blood calcium.