Exploring mathematics should begin at an early age the most basic things. Mathematical concepts such as matching, sorting, patterns and simple calculation can be easily understood and taught as children move and play. You can teach your children these concepts when you favored daily activities of the two of you. Insert the game into your daily routine will help your child develop math skills and ability to learn, and prepare yourself for the future. Currently studying Volume in Bath Children can begin to understand the concept of volume during the shower. Collect various container and varied in shape and size. Start the activity by children, what to do, fill the tank with water and tell the child what you are doing. Take the container filled with water and pour the contents into another container. He asked loudly, "Mom wanted to know if this container, capable of absorbing the water?" Encourage your children by getting them to participate in a container and pour water into the container. They use words such as: full and empty, large and small, wide or narrow, to teach children about volume and measurement. Matching game objects Teach your children about the first considerations with a simple matching game. This activity can be done when you wash clothes or take them time to be shopping. A child needs to see how to adjust objects. For example, to start with matching socks, and represent the three pairs of socks on the floor. Take your socks and ask your child to find socks partners. Praise when the child managed to find matching socks, still yet to find a pair of socks. This activity would be great if you wear socks with three different colors to start, replace it with a more complicated socks to a child can easily find and fit a pair of socks. Make beaded necklaces Make beaded necklaces, children learn how to sort and certain patterns of objects. Required materials include pearls, beads and wire containers. Sit down with your child and ask your child to sort the beads in groups of the same color. Start the activity by creating two beads and patterns (red, blue, red, blue) with beads. Ask to see the next bead to create the template to the children. Put this activity by adding different colors on a chain model (red, blue, yellow, red, blue, yellow), and then ask your child to a different color, so to find the template.