Calcium is found naturally in plants and animals.
Plants get calcium from the soil and use it to perform a variety of functions such as the transport of water and other functions.
In animals and humans, calcium naturally found in bones and teeth.
Making body calcium from food and use it for a variety of important functions.
Here are some of the most important sources of calcium:
Calcium carbonate (limestone) is a natural source of most commonly used to obtain calcium. Calcium is widely used in the production of fertilizers, and calcium used to make human consumption.
Limestone contains calcium carbonate, which is also known to be able to reduce the acidity in the stomach.
Because of all these reasons, the main component is calcium carbonate used in the production of calcium tablets.
Animal, is the richest natural source of dairy calcium. 1 cup of milk provides 400 mg of calcium.
Derivative products are cheese, milk, yogurt, cream and contain a lot of calcium.
Wide variety of vegetables such as beans and nuts are a natural source of calcium. Other vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, cabbage, mustard greens, turnip greens and dandelion greens are a good source of calcium and provides up to 400 mg of calcium in every 1-3 servings
Coral Calcium (Coral Calcium)
Coral Calcium also contains calcium carbonate which is another natural source of calcium. Coral calcium is obtained from fossilized coral reefs and can be used to make high-quality calcium supplements.
Supplement derived from coral calcium has a higher absorption rate of calcium carbonate calcium normal so as to supply 40% higher.
Coral Calcium provides many health benefits in the long term, including the prevention of degenerative diseases and the lack of calcium overcome.
Recently discovered coral calcium water to Okinawa, Japan is a special type of coral calcium.
Okinawa coral calcium are believed to contain more than ordinary corals.
Getting enough calcium to ensure healthy bones and teeth. Middle-aged women, also make sure calcium intake to prevent osteoporosis.