For centuries, apple cider vinegar (apple cider vinegar) has been widely used to treat various types of diseases.
Apple cider vinegar can also help people with arthritis are shot.
Here are the benefits of apple cider vinegar inflammation:
First. Destroy uric acid crystals (de formation)
One of the features of arthritis is the formation of uric acid crystals around the joints.
Malic acid, one of the active ingredients in ethyl apples, dissolving uric acid crystals can be effectively removed from the body.
It is recommended to use apple cider vinegar on a regular basis. This is because apple cider vinegar is just the crystals already formed, but not the formation of crystals.
Two. Antioxidants
Apple cider vinegar contains powerful antioxidants that may help reduce inflammation and slow the progression of arthritis.
Antioxidants are substances that protect the body from free radicals contribute to degenerative diseases such as arthritis.
An apple cider vinegar contains antioxidants beta-carotene, an antioxidant, soluble and easily absorbed.
Three. Analgesic
Effectively alleviate acid and high acid apple cider vinegar arthritis pain and help fight infections.
Apple cider vinegar is often used combined with gotu kola (herbal supplements) an effective analgesic.
Four. Compression (bandage)
Poultice or compress is a simple but effective way to get the benefits of apple cider vinegar inflammation parks.
To make a compress, mix 1 ½ cups of water to give a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar to the pan and heat until lukewarm then make.
Soak a small towel gently into the liquid, press it and hold on to areas affected by joint pain or arthritis.
Wrap with a dry cloth in order to compress still attached and helps retain heat. Leave on for 10-15 minutes, then repeat the above procedure two or three times. This step can be done as long as necessary.
Five. Tonic
Suffer from the parks, it is recommended to consume apple cider vinegar 1 tablespoon twice a day. Apple cider vinegar can be taken immediately if she feels strong, but water can also be dissolved in a glass. Add honey to taste delicious apple cider vinegar.
To get the maximum benefit, use vinegar is not filtered or organic acids.
Evaporation process, which makes very clear vinegar in supermarkets, many nutrients health apple cider vinegar.