Cauliflower , broccoli is crisp and vegetables are rich in fiber.
Have fresh broccoli and best quality through leaves, even in hard and green, while still fresh and full carbon in the form of white.
Proper storage method cauliflower and broccoli will continue to remain fresh and safe for consumption after stored a few days, even up to a few weeks later.
Here's how to keep cauliflower and broccoli to keep them fresh:
First. Cut cauliflower and broccoli will be put in storage tanks. Cut the vegetables on the bottom two Valentine favorites.
Two. Place the vegetables in a plastic bag or airtight container. Cauliflower has a fresh term of more than broccoli.
Three. Keep fresh broccoli and cauliflower, which was wrapped in the refrigerator.
The temperature in the refrigerator is recommended to ensure optimal freshness of food is about 1.67 to 4, to maintain 44 degrees Celsius.
Four. Eat within a week to get the benefits of vegetables optimum flavor and freshness.
Broccoli can hold three days every two weeks if properly stored, but it depends on freshness, recording mode, and the head of broccoli when he bought it.
Cauliflower can be fresh for a week to three weeks. If brown broccoli or cauliflower starts to look, discard the vegetables and should not be used.