To grow beautiful bonsai is a suitable pot. Pots and other accessories are available as the growing popularity of bonsai.
Bonsai pots are available in different shapes and sizes that can be tailored to the size and nature of the various bonsai.
Good pots need not be expensive, but should be able to increase the size of the bonsai place and has a high aesthetic value.
Best pots mostly made of clay. Pot size should be considered so that there is still room to grow bonsai.
Pot should be equal or greater than the diameter of the shank diameter bonsai. Equal to the depth of the pot at least half the height of the tree.
Guide to the ideal size is mainly applied an old bonsai. Young bonsai need not strictly follow the standards listed above.
Color pot in the ground, usually for most types of bonsai. As bonsai trees flowers can be the right choice glazed pots.
Glazed ceramic pots suitable trees have green leaves. Avoid colored pots. Do not let the pot vibrant colors will really distract from the tree itself.
How the physical form of bonsai can also help in selecting the right bonsai pot.
Bonsai with slender stems and rounded, or texture of wood and soft leaves were placed in pots will fit round or oval. Examples of this type of bonsai is a Japanese maple.
On the other hand, trees with thick trunks and branches strong and heavy pot are meaningful, rather than square or rectangular.
Before deciding to buy them, which will kind of bonsai pots, ask someone who was the subject of bonsai experts will refine your selection.