Bonsai trees care requires a lot of work and dedication. Bonsai must be maintained at all times.
Here are some tips on caring for bonsai trees:
First. Usually grown bonsai pots. Pots need to be replaced at least once a year.
Replacement pots are designed to encourage new root growth. Choose a larger pot to accommodate the growth of bonsai.
Pot holes should allow the excess water drain out of the pot, the roots of bonsai is not immersed in water.
Two. Bonsai should be watered regularly.
Bonsai does not wash too much, because this cause root rot or grow mold.
But on the other hand, should not be dry bonsai. One method to check the moisture by sticking a toothpick into the ground. Soil should not be too wet or dry.
Three. Bonsai requires sunlight!
But be careful, because too much sun can also damage bonsai.
For this reason, bonsai must strike the right balance between watering, sunlight, then prune bonsai healthy.
Four. Remember that there are many types of bonsai trees. Each bonsai need to be considered on an individual basis according to their type
This is used mainly required on the amount of sunlight. It is therefore important to know all kinds of bonsai tree, find the best way to handle.
Five. Do not cut branches bonsai with scissors!
There are many tools available that cut designed specifically for bonsai. Each tool has a different purpose, such as forming a tree, cut the leaves and branches bend, etc..
Bonsai is an art form. So much attention, as well as the expertise needed to grow bonsai fascinating.
That is why it is so special bonsai is and has a high price.