Diabetes Information: 7 tips to reduce your risk of diabetes complications

By on 4:02 AM
7 tips to reduce your risk of diabetes complications
Diabetes was ranked as the fifth highest cause of death worldwide.

Most of the complications of diabetes is very difficult and can affect quality of life.

Some of the major complications of diabetes is coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy.

Diabetic patients rarely die of diabetes itself, but more likely to die from complications of diabetes.

So, after a person is diagnosed with diabetes, you should try to avoid the complications of diabetes.

Here are some tips to prevent diabetes complications:

First. Controlling blood sugar levels

Clinical trials in the United States and the United Kingdom have been conducted have shown that patients are higher with a lower blood sugar diabetes complications than patients who had lower blood sugar levels.

To control blood glucose levels, patients must continuously monitor their blood glucose with blood glucose monitors.

In some patients, lifestyle modification through diet and exercise enough blood sugar levels are lower.

However, many patients with diabetes must use insulin levels and lower blood sugar levels.

At present there are already tools that are not only used to monitor the blood sugar levels, but also in a position to regulate the insulin into the blood stream.

This tool is more expensive than insulin pumps and diabetes foot level. However, a proven instrument to regulate blood sugar levels is very effective.

Two. Quit smoking.

Studies have shown that diabetics who smoke are at increased risk for diabetes complications, such as heart disease and amputations of the foot have.

Three. Check your feet every day.

Diabetic neuropathy is nerve damage that occurs in people with diabetes and can lead to several complications in the feet, which can lead to amputation of the foot.

Diabetics should any signs of skin damage, ulcers or blisters to check feet. Also to be considered a portion of the skin between toes.

Annual medical examination will assess whether diabetic foot feeling is still at a normal level or not the doctor. Diabetics should avoid activities that can cause damage to the foot.

Four. Eye examination.

Diabetics have eyes examined regularly to detect the presence of early diabetic retinopathy. If retinopathy can be detected early and keep a watchful eye, the treatment can be carried out efficiently.

However, if the new retinopathy showed an advanced stage at the end lead to vision loss and blindness.

Five. Urinalysis.

Diabetes can lead to kidney failure or renal failure. From there they were, people with diabetes should perform routine urine test to check for levels of protein (albumin) in the urine is normal or not.

Clinical studies show that the use of blood pressure medications, such as angiotensin receptor blockers or ACE inhibitors have an effect on the prevention of kidney disease in diabetics.

Six. Use of drugs to control blood pressure.

Diabetic patients should use the medication if blood pressure control blood pressure already exceeds 130/80. Hypertension in diabetic patients may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetic retinopathy, and nephropathy.

Patients with diabetes should check their cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. When cholesterol and triglycerides are too high, then the diabetic should their daily diet and take cholesterol-lowering drugs such as statins.

Patients with diabetes can also ask your doctor about aspirin. The American Diabetes Association recommends the use of aspirin in patients with diabetes separately for 40 years or more years every day.

Seven. Visit the doctor regularly.

Visit your doctor regularly to enable early detection and prevention of diabetes complications.

Health Screening Schedule usually suffer through the length of the diabetes and the development of diabetes kompliksai determined so that all diabetics schedule will be different.