Is it true acupuncture (acupuncture) can cure the disease?
Research shows that acupuncture is useful relieve certain ailments.
In general, acupuncture treatment of diseases such as angina, depression, infertility, headaches and much more.
Here is a description of the disease that can be cured by acupuncture:
First. Angina
Angina is chest pain or heart marked. Studies show that angina can be cured by electro-acupuncture.
With the help of a pair of electrical acupuncture needle connected to a battery to electrical impulses that are used in them to help patients with angina.
Two. Incoordination
Study showed that patients with balance disorders showed positive development after receiving acupuncture treatment. However, more research needs to be done to substantiate this claim.
Three. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)
Patients with CTS experience pain in the hand and fingers. CTS is caused by many things such as frequent lifting heavy objects or wrist as a result of too much pressure on the keyboard or mouse.
Studies show that people with CTS showed a reduction in pain after undergoing acupuncture.
Four. Morning sickness
Usually experienced by pregnant women, especially in the early stages of pregnancy. Many studies have shown that acupuncture is an effective method for reducing these symptoms.
Five. Epicondylitis
Epicondylitis Tennis Elbow is also known at the beginning of elbow pain. Acupuncture done regularly can help this situation.
Six. Lose weight
Acupuncture can help anyone who wants to be thin. Acupuncture works by suppressing the appetite, so it can achieve ideal weight.
Seven. Depression
Depressed patients acupuncture to treat the symptoms of this disorder. Acupuncture not only treat the symptoms of depression, but also makes antidepressants work more effectively.
Eight. Fertility problems (infertility)
Several studies have positive results that acupuncture can improve sperm quality and strength are shown. Make sure that the treatment is performed by a certified acupuncturist, and trained for optimal results.
Nine. Hypertension
Many studies show how patients with hypertension have improved after they showed treated with acupuncture.
Therefore, people with high blood pressure to consider acupuncture as an alternative treatment.
10th. Headaches
Many studies have shown that acupuncture can relieve chronic headaches such as migraine. Consult your doctor before taking this treatment.