High blood sugar, also called hyperglycemia is a risk to health very seriously.
Anyone with high blood sugar levels that are prone to kidney disease, heart disease and other diseases worried.
High blood sugar can be controlled by changes in the daily diet changes.
Changes in diet helps to prevent high blood sugar out of control.
Here are some tips to control blood sugar levels by diet:
First. Replace juice, soda, soft drinks and other beverages that contain high levels of sugar in the water.
By drinking more water sweetened beverages that contain a lot of sugar, it will help to limit sugar intake throughout the day.
Drinking more water can also help manage body weight and stay rehydration. At least not every day you should drink eight glasses of water.
Two. Learn to control the size of the meal.
One of the high blood sugar levels, because too much food consumed each day.
Avoid excessive dinner, eat a healthy snack small packages. Eat such as fruit or vegetables between meals.
Status and blood sugar levels every person is different, so you should consult with your doctor or dietitian about how food should be consumed daily.
Three. Add high fiber foods to your diet.
Full-grain cereals and breads are high fiber foods and vegetables.
Food can your blood sugar from getting too high to make and keep full faster, and thus also help in controlling meal portions.
Four. Eat healthy carbohydrates.
Many people who believe they should avoid all carbohydrates with a high sugar content.
However, not all carbohydrates should make blood sugar levels dropped dramatically, and can cause loss of consciousness or fainting.
Healthy carbohydrates such as whole grain pasta and fruit is a good choice for those who want to control blood sugar levels.
Consult your doctor or nutritionist to get the right amount you need each day.
Five. Limit your fat intake.
Foods with high fat and calories award the blood sugar levels and the risk of heart.
Nuts, olive oil (olive oil) and other unsaturated fats are healthier choice. Eat foods that contain moderate amounts of fat.
Six. Choose foods low in cholesterol.
As well as foods high in fat, high cholesterol foods can increase of blood sugar levels and risk of heart disease. Eat to choose lean meats and low-fat milk instead of milk differently.