[TIPS] Symptoms & Long-Term Effects of Chronic Renal Failure

By on 10:20 PM
Symptoms & Long-Term Effects of Chronic Renal Failure
Kidney failure occurs when the kidneys are no longer able to perform the function of filtering waste and toxins to be removed from the body optimally.

There are two types of kidney failure, the acute and chronic renal failure.

Acute renal failure occurs rapidly, whereas chronic kidney failure process is much slower and have a serious effect on the body in the long run if left unchecked.

In this article will be discussed in depth on chronic renal failure.

Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Failure

There are no obvious signs and symptoms that the kidney is damaged, in addition to blood tests.

Aside from common symptoms such as weakness and decreased appetite, there is no clear indication of kidney failure.

Risk Factors for Chronic Kidney Failure

Here are some risk factors for chronic renal failure:

- Have a family member who suffered kidney failure blood

- Are undergoing treatment that may lead to kidney failure

- Have high blood pressure or diabetes

If you have the above risk factors then you should perform regular kidney function tests.

What Happens in chronic renal failure?

There are five stages of chronic kidney failure which causes kidney damage ranging from mild to severe.

If left untreated, the kidneys will cease to perform its function to filter out harmful substances are removed from the body.

So one of the early effects of renal failure is the buildup of toxic chemicals in the body.

Filtering function is not working properly due to chronic renal failure will cause the accumulation of nitrogen and other wastes in the blood, which is slowly poisoning the whole body.

Initial Long-Term Effects

According to the National Institutes of Health, the effects are seen early kidney failure include:

- Frequent hiccups

- Feeling tired and sore unusual

- Itching (called pruritus)

- Often nausea, vomiting, and headache

- Weight loss.

These effects can have a serious impact on the body, even after the treatment and management of kidney failure begins.

Next Phase of Long-Term Effects

Along with increasing renal impairment, following some further long-term effects that can occur:

- Vomiting blood

- Bowel movements mixed with blood

- The amount of urine is greatly increased or greatly decreased

- Loss of consciousness (delirium, confusion, drowsiness, or coma)

- Loss of sensation in the hands, feet, and other areas

- Muscle cramps and twitching

- seizures

- Uremic frost (ice uremic), when white crystals form in the skin.