[TIPS] History and Origins of Organ Transplantation

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[TIPS] History and Origins of Organ Transplantation
Although organ transplantation is commonly known in the world of modern medicine, organ transplants in the past were seen as science fiction.

The idea of ​​transferring an organ from one body to another body which has been used since. But this time we even had to do some organ transplants, including heart, liver, and lungs.

Transplantation Ancient & Myths

Many Roman myth and China are calling on the legs and liver transplant by the saints (saints) and the physician, but the first recorded transplant took place only in the second century BC.

Indian surgeon, Sushruta transplanting skin of a man's nose to help renovate another man.

Another note on transplants performed at the end of the 16th century, who also transplanted skin.

Body rejected the first transplant patient was recorded by Italian surgeon, Gasparo Tagliacozzi who also perform a skin graft.

Early 1900s

The most important transplantation experiments carried out in the early 20th century by the French surgeon Alexis Carrel.

He began experimenting with transplanting arteries and veins. This effort makes hadial won the Nobel in 1912.

Carrel also the first to identify the problem of rejection (rejection) transplantation, the dilemma facing many scientists and doctors.

Conducting experiments on dogs, Carrel learn the most frequent recipient's body rejected the organ donor material.

Joseph Murray

In 1954, Dr. Joseph Murray did with the first successful kidney transplant.

The procedure, which transfers a kidney from one identical twin to the other twin, succeeded because the twins share the same genes and the patient's body does not reject the new kidney.

In 1962, following this procedure he successfully performed a kidney transplant from a deceased person to a living for the first time.

With the use of immunosuppressive drugs during surgery, Murray managed to stop the rejection of the new kidney by the patient's body.

Other Organ Transplantation

Another major organs are often transplanted lung was first performed in 1962 by James Hardy, of Mississippi, USA.

Lungs taken from a deceased donor and transplanted into the body of patients suffering from lung cancer.

Recipient or donor recipients survived for 18 days before finally kidney failure.

A Colorado doctor also tried to perform liver transplants in the same year, but had to wait until 1967 to achieve success.

The first heart transplant performed in 1967 by Christian Barnard in South Africa, but also donor-recipient died 18 days later.

Development and Progress Transplantation

The success ratio can be attributed to modern transplant cyclosporine, one of immunosuppressant drugs.

Designed to reduce the immune system, cyclosporine helps the body adapt to the new network transplant outcomes.

In 1980, the FDA (U.S. BPPOM), approved the use of a drug called Viaspan to help people with liver transplant in order to live longer.

In 1992, transplants from baboons to humans successfully done. The FDA is testing a drug called Cylex, which may reduce postoperative infections in patients.