How to Diet After Kidney Transplant - Kidney Diet Tips

By on 2:43 AM
How to Diet After Kidney Transplant - Kidney Diet Tips
Organ transplantation has become a routine procedure and general. From time to time, more and more patients are choosing this procedure.

This article will discuss about the diet of patients after kidney transplantation.

Diet is one important component of the transplant process. Proper diet is important to ensure the new kidney preformance remain healthy and able to work optimally.

After transplantation, it is important to set the patient's diet to avoid obesity, diabetes, or type of disease involving blood vessels, such as dyslipidemia.

Broadly speaking, after a kidney transplant, the patient should be emphasis on eating fresh fruits along with vegetables, and restricting intake of fat, sugar, and salt.

Moreover, bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol should also be stopped.

Steroid drugs are often prescribed in conjunction with the transplant procedure will usually lower the body's ability to use sugar.

So the majority of kidney transplant patients will have high blood sugar levels. It is often referred to as 'steroid-induced diabetes'.

It is therefore important to avoid sugar, especially concentrated or is found in the form of carbohydrates.

On the other hand, patients need to take calcium to restore the loss of calcium during transplantation and the impact of steroid treatment.

Dairy products, nuts, and eggs will provide the body's need for calcium.

The body's need phosphorus to build bones will also increase. Low-fat milk is a good source of phosphorus. Phosphorus can also be obtained through supplements.

Patients are also advised to monitor the level of potassium which can increase or decrease dramatically due to the reaction of transplantation medicine.

In addition, foods low in salt or low sodium is key to maintaining water balance and avoid fluid retention.

Continue to consult with a doctor or nutritionist to make sure the condition of the body remains healthy after a kidney transplant.